We all have a sense of the emotional importance of home, captured in the phrase ‘home is where the heart is’. When social landlords are engaged in the business of managing properties, the emotional value of the home can get hidden and distorted. For many tenants, this may result in poor services and a negative relationship with their landlord. For tenants in insecure housing and those with experiences of homelessness, the impact can be devastating. This research project intends to engage with the challenges of working with emotions through collective work with tenants, TAROE Trust and independent and academic researchers.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for a minimum of 12 tenants who are involved in scrutiny and/or decision-making work at their social landlord to work with us on exploring the value of emotional insights in social housing work.
What is the ask?
For tenants to attend introductory training about emotional insights (paid landlord staff will be invited to attend the training separately). The insights are designed to be practical and to trigger new thinking and ideas. We ask that you report back on how you have used the insights in your scrutiny and tenant involvement work. This will be either through one-to-one interviews and/or focus groups depending on the number who take part.
We will deliver a social media campaign as the project unfolds. The focus of the campaign is on your experiences of the project and what you think of the insights. The level of involvement in this can vary from none to deeply involved, depending on your level of comfort.
Timescales are short. We intend to complete recruitment on 31 January 2023, deliver the training in early February and conduct the interviews and/or focus groups by 31 March 2023.
The project information leaflet is here. Please contact either Darren at TAROE Trust at info@taroetrust.org.uk or Hannah at RT.Homes@TrainandConsult.co.uk with questions or to express your interest in taking part.